Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jet Blue Brings Back 'All You Can Jet' Passes

If it weren't for a few little things such as parenting and jobs and school and finances, then I would so be all over this Jet Blue Deal. To be able to fly all that I want in 31 days, wherever I want for $700 dollars. I don't know where Jet Blue flies to and there is no point in even looking that information up. But let's say that I had the option of ANYWHERE in the US, here is where I would choose (not necessarily in order):

1. Vermont
2. New York City
3. Maine
4. Denver Colorado
5. Colorado Springs Colorado
6. Montana
7. Phoenix
8. Northern California
9. Santa Fe, New Mexico
10. Albuquerque, New Mexico
11. Yellowstone
12. Montana again
13. Seattle
14. Nevada
15. Mount St. Helens
16. Oahu
17. Maui
18. Big Island
19. American Samoa
20. North Dakota
21. Iowa
22. Utah
23. Montana Again
24. Grand Canyon
25. Hoover Dam
26. Boston
27. Rhode Island
28. Wisconsin Dells
29. South Dakota
30. Montana---to stay.

Jet Blue Brings Back 'All You Can Jet' Passes

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