Sunday, September 12, 2010


I suppose that every parent has this wish for their child:  That he or she would find something to be passionate about, something to excel at, something to be motivated for.

I have just spent the last 30 minutes listening to my 15 year old son Timothy, as he extolled the features and benefits of his new pair of Navy Issue dress shoes.

You see, my son has joined JROTC.  And I have never, ever seen a reaction out of him like this has caused.  To say that he is excited would be an understatement.  He is in awe that he has received these "cool" uniforms from his school--at no cost to any of the "cadets".  Even when his sister called them geeky, he replied "I don't care, I think they are awesome." (and then he went into his soliloquy on shoes).

I am in awe.  And more than being in awe, I am grateful.  He is proud, so proud that he is a cadet.  He is channeling excess energy into this new thing in his life.  I am encouraged as I hear him go on and on about orienteering and parade marching.  I am grateful for the discipline this is placing in his life.  This is not nothing.

If you are interested in learning more about JROTC, then you can explore the official website HERE.

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