Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chicken Noodle Soup, Shelly Style

My 17 year old is so sick with mono.  I need her to eat something, so what's better than Chicken Noodle soup??

1.  Look in pantry.  Pull out everything that has to do with chicken soup.  Tonight that consisted of:
Two cans Cream of Chicken
Two cans Chicken Noodle Soup (one Campbell's, one Store Brand)
Two cans of Chicken Breast Meat (Yes, chicken comes in cans like Tuna)
Two cans of Store Brand Chicken Broth

2.  Dump all cans into large stewpot on front burner.

3.  Turn on burner to High/Light

4.  Remember that burner does not turn on automatically.  Remove Stewpot.  Search house for lighter.  Find lighter and bravely light burner.  Congratulate self on being brave.

5.  Set stewpot on burner to boil.

6.  Forget that you are cooking dinner.

7.  Return to kitchen later to sound of soup boiling over.

8.  Clean up mess.

9.  Lower Heat

10.  Add one bag of REAMES Frozen Egg Noodles.

11.  Remember bullion cubes and bay leaves, given to me by a friend.  Add those in.

12.  Remember that someone said "Add Flour".  Pour some flour into soup.

13.  Stir.  Stir.  Stir.  Stir.  Stir.

14.  Decide to add salt and pepper.  Do not measure, real cooks do not measure.

15.  Set timer for 30 minutes.

16.  Become startled when timer goes off, because cook has forgotten once again she is cooking.

17.  Taste noodle.  Amazing.

18.  Find bowls and mugs, add soup.  Top off with more sodium so as to induce heart disease.

19.  Enjoy with family, who says that soup is the "Best Thing You've Ever Cooked, Mom".  Which isn't saying much, because I don't cook.

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