Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Music of Advent

I've thought a lot this Christmas season about the music that comes with these Advent days.  I seem to have a new appreciation for some of the song that I've sung since childhood.  Scotty Smith, a blogger who shares his honest and heartfelt prayers based in scripture captured some of my same thinking with his prayer based on Mary's Song.

A Prayer About Breaking Out into Mary’s Song

     And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. Luke 1:46-50
     Jesus, I woke up today extremely thankful for the gift of music… especially the songs of Advent. I’m more likely to lose my inhibitions singing Christmas songs than any other genre, and it’s not rocket science to figure out why this is so.
     Every Advent hymn, carol and chorus I know—the ones’ from your Word… in my hymnal… or my iPod—every one of them propel me into hope and gratitude. Hope and gratitude, hope and gratitude, more hope and more gratitude. And when my heart is fueled by these twin graces, I’m much freer, much more full of faith, and much more inclined to sing and make music in my heart to you.
     Jesus, I praise you for igniting my heart to sing your praise. I praise you for giving me a reason to sing. I praise you for songwriters who capture what I feel and give me the vehicle for expressing what I long to say to you.
     Though Mary’s story is different from mine, yet I join her Advent refrain today. I can sing her song. I must sing her song, for you’ve been mindful of my humble, broken, sinful state. I have nothing to boast in but you, Jesus. You came to me when I wasn’t seeking you. You’re being formed in me just as surely as you entered the world through Mary’s womb.
     I’m a blessed man only because you’ve done great things for me, and you continue to do great things for me. Holy is your name, Lord Jesus! I have no concern for what any generation may say about me. It’s enough to know what you say about me… that I’m yours… that I’m forgiven… that I’m righteous in you… that nothing can separate me from your love.
     Your mercy has been extended my generation, and to me, personally. Therefore, my soul glorifies you, Jesus, and my spirit rejoices in you, my God and my Savior. As the gospel goes deeper into my heart, free me from all fears except the fear of the Lord. I want to be filled and freed with an affectionate reverence for you alone, Jesus. So very Amen, I sing and pray, in your most glorious and gracious name… with more hope and gratitude than ever.

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