Monday, April 27, 2009

I Want a Truck

I'm not materialistic. There aren't many things that I "want". I have an expensive Amazon Book Habit, and I recently dropped an ugly amount of money on a new laptop. However, in general, it's rare that I sit around thinking, "If I could just buy__________"

But I want a truck. My very own truck. And I want an ugly truck. It has to be nearly indestructable. Like me. Preferably old. Not like me. Standard, not automatic. I'd like for the key to be broken off in the ignition. And the truck bed to be so scratched and marred that I can haul anything in the back without fear. I'd like the radio to work, but not CD player. I'd prefer hand crank windows, nothing power. Don't care what color.

Because I miss my truck. Ok, so it's not actually my truck. It belongs to my in-laws. But, what an amazing vehicle that truck is. Sitting in their drive way, parked side by side, is a nearly new Toyota Prius Hybrid car. Now, don't get me wrong, the Prius is a fun ride, it's like driving a video game. There is a challenge in driving it to maximize the green effect. But, if I have a choice, I'm going to choose the truck over the Prius anyday.

Why? The truck has character. It is a vehicle that I can take anywhere and not worry about the damange to it. Who needs 4 wheel drive when it's just as easier to slam the gear shaft into second and gun your way through the obstacles? And the bed of the truck could carry anything...load and load of yard waste to the green waste recycling station, our loaded trash cans to the dump, my beach chair, my boogie board, my backpack loaded with books, thrown into the bed of the truck, sliding around as I drive down Ka'imi'nani. Oh, and climbing up to the top of Ka'imi'nani, an exercise in skill to avoid stalling out at the top while trying to merge into traffic, hanging at an 8% slope (semis are urged to use a lower gear at 4%). To be able climb into the truck, hot, sandy, burned, exhausted in both mind and body, and ramble home, amazing. Windows down, hair a mess and who cares.

So, I want a truck. The uglier, the tougher, the better. Such a truck would suit me perfectly. I miss my truck.

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