Thursday, June 3, 2010

N.T. Wright, C.S. Lewis, Tullian Tchividjian

Admittedly I have yet to read any of N.T. Wright's books.  However I do find the dialogue between Wright, John Piper and Tim Keller to be very though-provoking.  I need to read something by Wright, so I can better understand the points of agreement as well as the points that are questioned between these three theologians.

Wright has a new book out, After You Believe, is reviewed by Michael Horton on the Christianity Today website here.

Another one of his books that has garnered much attention, is Surprised by Hope.  While nothing can compare to C.S. Lewis' autobiography, Surprised by Joy,  (which is still one of the most important books I have ever read in my life), I do wonder if I will find it worthy of Top Shelf placement on my bookshelf, alongside my "Uncle" Lewis and the book I recently finished by Tullian Tchividjian titled Surprised by Grace:  God's Relentless Pursuit of Rebels.

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