Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Book Log

Well, July was a failure.  In terms of reading, that is.  Circumstances and situations severely hampered the amount of reading I was able to accomplish during both the monts of June and July.

But I came across Kevin DeYoung's Book Log for July, Part 1.  That gave me the idea to write a brief summary of the books I have recently completed, and the books that are beside my table to be read this months.  Spoiler:  If you are a book nerd, this post is for you.  If you are not, you might want to go watch the Sesame Street video I posted a couple of days ago.....just saying......

Finished:  Anna Karenina by Tolstoy:  Excellently written book exploring so many different facets.  While reading Crime and Punishment by Doestoyevsky last year,  I did not have the same sense that I do having completed Tolstoy's lengthy work.  I want to find out more about Tolstoy, how his mind worked, what his theology was.  Highly recommend that every one read this at least once in their lives.

On My Book Table:
Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie.  Jury is still out on what I think about this book.  It seems to be that he has an excellent grasp of the middle eastern culture.  However I find the mechanics of his writing style to detract from the actual characters and events.  Still  yet, I will plod forward.

Collected Writings in Scripture: by DA Carson.  I have only read the first few pages, but believe that this book will be a great resource.  I appreciate Carson's straightforward academic approach to the subject, and the tremendous job he has done as editor to putt together these essays on these very difficult concepts.

Another book by DA Carson:  The God who is There.  I am currently reading this book on my phone's Kindle app.  Carson is straight up.  I appreciate the academic lessons I am gaining in that book, which helms me to navigate THE BOOK with more confidence and understanding.

If any of the above books interest you, feel free to click on one of the pictures below and it will take you straight to Amazon.


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