Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Write a Book

In the midst of this insomnia filled night, I came across a fantastic article titled "How to Write a Book".  The author, Rand, has some obvious things to say about writing, but says them in a not-so-obvious way.  To read the article in it's entirety, CLICK HERE.

Below are just a couple of the paragraphs though, that I absolutely loved: [I am going to start using square brackets, his idea for using them is tremendous]

"A blank page. A scribble in a Moleskine. That tweet that captured your thought better than a chapter ever would. Quietly crossing out paragraphs you loved. These are the acts that comprise writing a book, not talking about it, not announcing that you’re going to do it, and certainly not reading an article by a blogger who at this very moment is procrastinating finishing his own book by writing about how you should start yours.
The Journey is the Book"

"My other momentum move involves the [square brackets]. The writing zone is a tenuous one and sometimes the thought just can’t be expressed in words, yet. Rather than getting lost in a single sentence, I put my best effort in [square brackets]:
  • [Something about writing being hard]
  • [You can say this better]
  • [Blah blah blah I can’t be eloquent in a chair where my feet touch the floor].
[Square brackets] get those niggling thoughts out of your head and onto the paper so you can focus on moving forward."

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