Sunday, August 15, 2010

The God Who is There by D.A. Carson

I have just finished reading The God Who is There by D.A. Carson.  I don't think that any words I put here, will do justice to Carson's renderings.  The subtitle of his book is "Finding Your Place in God's Story", and I can't think of a more adequate or accurate description than that for this book.  Carson begins, effectively, at the Beginning--Genesis.  From there, he takes his readers through nearly every book, every genre of literature present in scriptures to build a foundation for the truth that God is a God Who is There.  Carson doesn't miss a thing as evidenced by his Chapter Titles.  For example, Chapter 9 is titled "The God who Loves", and 4 chapters later, he titles his 13th chapter "The God who is Very Angry".

The author is unafraid to take on the difficult and dense passages that others may have a tendency to shy away from.  For instance, he acknowledges the tight arguments in Romans 3 as being "condensed", and then explains that to fully experience Paul's meaning, one must carefully examine these scriptures word by word.  Also, Carson does an excellent job exploring the literary features of each genre, which in turn lends credibility to his interpretations.

A must-read.

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