Saturday, August 14, 2010

Officially Creeped Out

It's 12:30 AM and I hear music.  I don't know where it is coming from.
It's not my computer, it's not my phone.  I've checked each of the kid's rooms.
It sounds like it is coming from outside.  Either I have officially succombed to insanity, or someone is outside of the parsonage.

And there is no one to investigate but me.  So, off I go to investigate and find the source of this creepy music.  If I add no more updates to this entry, then someone please take note that I want to be cremated, no memorial service, and I don't care where my ashes end up.

Update:  Found it.  Tore room apart looking for the source.  Ends up it was my phone, in Ipod mode, in the pocket of my jeans, playing Casting Crowns.  Only me.

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