Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Once again....another strange occurrence in the life of Lorrain:

Unable to sleep, awake all night.  4:00--drive to WaWa to get newspaper for job and house hunting.
As I am leaving the church parking lot, I notice a Sherriff's car pulling into the other entrance.  Hmmmm, interesting.

When I return from WaWa, same Sherriff is now blocking my driveway.  Not good.  What have I done this time?

Get out of my car and much to my relief, the officer stays in his car.  I walk over and tap on his window and ask him if he is ok.

He is fine, but he is on a stakeout.  WHAT????  at 4:15 AM, in Seaford no less?  I suppose I should not be surprised, considering the arrest a few weeks back in the woods next to the parsonage.  And of course other such things.

Only I would be out at 4:15 in the morning, to find my driveway blocked, as an officer waits in a stakeout, to take off after some guy who will be on his way to work at 4:30.  That's in 10 minutes.  Hmmm.  I'm sneaking back outside to watch.

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