Friday, August 6, 2010

Studying for the GRE.......

And I can already detect that I'm going to have a serious problem.

I have decided to take the GRE in hopes of one day attending graduate school to pursue an MA/Mdiv.  I ordered study materials from Amazon, and they have already arrived.  Two items:

1. Math Review for Standardized Tests
2.  GRE Exam "Vocabulary in a Box"

I've already tossed the bright yellow Math Review onto the corner of my desk, neglected and rejected, while I have delved into the Vocabulary in a Box---reviewing approximately 50 words in 15 minutes already and loving every single word.

I'm in trouble.  I can't even remember the names of the shapes, let alone how to find their area.  And in my opinion, the letter "X" should only be used to spell the word "xenolith" and not as a missing variable that one must try to find using algebraic formulas.  Just saying.

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