Friday, September 3, 2010

Love of God

Funny.  I am at a loss of words.  And I am never at a loss of words.

I have been thinking a lot about grace this morning.  And whether or not I love God like He would have me to love Him.

I received confirmation of housing for my family this morning.  We will be moving into a house that is just perfect for the 5 of us.  3 bedrooms.  Huge garage.  Peaceful.  Quiet.  The same school district.

I wish I had more time to write, because I think I could and would write and write for hours.  But I must go to work.  However I wanted to get this thought out of my mind and onto this virtual paper:

Psalm 116:1 says "I love the Lord because He has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy."

He is the God who hears.  I have plead for mercy.  I have plead for mercy.  I love the Lord because He has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy.

But, do I love Him even when I can't see His hand?  Do I love Him when my marriage is destroyed?  Do I love Him when my children are hurting?  Do I love Him when I don't know where I am going to live, how I am going to make it?  Did I love Him this past year in the midst of the nightmare and the chaos?  I would that I could say 'Yes, yes I loved Him with all my Soul, my Mind and my Strength'.  But I am afraid that would not be truth.

I have not loved Him like I should.  How dare I love Him today, when I have an answer to my prayers, when I see that He has and is providing for my family's needs, and yet how foolish I am, how pathetic.  It's easy to love Him today.  Will I love Him tonight when I come home tired, missing my children?  Will I love Him when I start taking the next steps up Mount Everest and I find the going slow, painful, difficult?  Will I love Him Sunday, when it is time to corporately worship Him?  Will I love Him as I seek for courage to keep pushing forward?

Oh God, in the same way I often cry out to you to help my unbelief, please help me to love you, because left to my own, I am the ultimate failure in the realm of love.

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