Saturday, November 27, 2010

Advent: HOPE

Advent season is here.  It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a month away.  

This year for the first time, our family will be celebrating Advent together in our home.  In preparation for that, I've written out this brief guide that we will use tomorrow, when we light the first (Hope) candle on our Advent Wreath.

Youngest Child lights the first (Purple) candle.
Oldest Child Reads Luke 1:26-38

Third Child reads Psalm 62:5
"For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him."

Question:  What is "Hope"?

After a few answers are shared, ask someone to look up "Hope" in the dictionary.

Question:  What are some things you are hoping for?  What if they don't happen?  What if they do happen?

Questions:  In Psalm 62:5, who does the Psalmist say we are to hope for?  And how are we to do this?

The verse says that our hope is from God.  How is this hope different from the hopes we shared tonight?

What do you think it means to "wait in silence"?

Activity:  Before the ending prayer, explain to the children that we are going to practice silence, and that after the prayer everyone is to get ready for bed silently.  If it is too early for bedtime, then institute the "game" of being silent for one hour by choosing quiet activities such as reading or drawing.

Third Child Reads Prayer

God, we are thankful that you give us hope through the birth of Jesus.
While there are many things that we hope for, please help us know that our real hope is both in and from you God.
Teach us what "waiting in silence" for God means.

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